
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Got the book....

Okay seriously, you'd think I had contraband or something. Here I sit with my "50 Shades of Grey" at my eye doctors' office. I have my Kobo, so no worries on anyone seeing my smutty book, except when my step-daughter comes out of her appointment and says, "What are you doing?" I quickly closed my Kobo(and turned a mild shade of pink) while saying, "Oh reading  'Catching Fire', the second book of the 'Hunger Games' trilogy". There's a lie. Okay, technically I am reading that one, just wasn't at that moment. Speaking of "Catching Fire", this is a pretty darn respectable choice right?? All the kids are reading this trilogy, well all of them except my girls. Also, the movie was decent, beat the hell out of "Twilight", don't get me started. I'm still trying to turn my girls into readers, but no success as of yet. Any ideas out there on how to light the fire within that will turn them into readers...I think their cells have replaced reading...the time that goes into texts and replying, well let's just say they could have read 'War and Peace' a few times over, or at least the' Shopaholic' series..that may be more up their alley.
Did I say I was kind of nerdy?? My mom never pushed reading with me or any of my sisters, yet we all LOVE reading. I have read with my daughter all of her life and she only reads magazines, and books she has to read for school. It kills me. Maybe I should have used reverse psychology, hey, maybe that's what my mom did, maybe she was diabolical that way!! I could have totally underestimated her...
I continue to buy my girls books at Christmas, books I inevitably read like, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games to name a few because I refuse to believe they won't become readers. Is it too much of an exaggeration to say that their lives will just not be as full, rich or amazing as they could be, but I digress, that's anothe rday and another blog. I'll never stop holding on to the hope that I'll convert them, just have to find the right vampire/best friends book, I know it's out there. I can be stubborn. Did I mention that??
One of my friends went to Costco to pick up 'the" book (yes, I can't stay away from that shade of grey topic) and when they went back again to Costco , there was a much smaller pile of books. In the same day..
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? It's not like we never had anything smutty to read?? What is it about this book...I only got to page 4 myself, not an ounce of smut to be seen as of yet, so I have to suspend my comments until I'm up to my waist in mud. If you are wondering how I never got to the good parts, well to be honest, I had an eye appointment after my daughter and my doctor put drops in my eyes to dilate them and everything is kind of blurry right now. I'm sure they'll be back to normal tomorrow and I'll take another gander... I have had a couple of people tell me they feel weird reading it, so I wonder weird how? Weird-guilty, weird-dirty, or just plain weird-turned on?? I want to know, I've always had an enquiring mind....
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the Saturday Night skit on mother's day-hilarious about the book-did you see it?
