I would love some feedback comments on any of my blogs....I'm a blog virgin, so be kind! Do any of you people out there have fond feelings towards Gumby and Pokey, like I do, and if so why?? In my blended family scenario, let's just say Gumby is definitely (c'est moi), and my faithful sidekick Pokey (yup that can be my husband John), and my two girls could be the Blockheads (I'm not making this up), they are a pair of humanoid, red-colored figures with block-shaped heads, who wreak mischief and havoc at all times. Okay is that not the most accurate description of 15 year olds, I don't know what is. Kind of eerie, eh?
If you go back and watch, it can be painful with the stop-action. Whatever, I just really believe that whoever put together this Gumby, Pokey stop-action scenerio had a little ganja in their life....come on, how else could someone dream the character Goo (say what??), who is a a flying blue mermaid that spits blue goo balls and can change shape at will. Take that spiderman!! Goo beats the hell out of the Teletubbies, but don't go downplaying those guys..I think back of those guys fondly, albeit they were odd to say the least, but kept my 3 year old toddler transfixed!! This was back in the year 1999! She's now fifteen years old, but back when she was a little curly headed imp, that show could stop her in her tracks in our living room and she would stand still staring at the tv with wonder. I watched and wondered if the reason my daughter loved Tinky Winky was because he/she?? was the only one with a purse?? I also thought maybe they were sending waves from England to my house that could mess with toddlers heads, but hey, that's another blog!
This Teletubbie time frame was pre-blend, when my family consisted of two. Now we're four, and I have somehow put us into the Gumby-Pokey family...hmm, simpler time don't you think, but I'm off course now.
Talk to me people, particularly if you have sisters, are in a blended family, love Gumby and Pokey, are a ginger, or you're bored and could relate this blog...
Just talk to me!
Con ♥
you bring back so many memories-love it!!!