Did anyone see SNL with Mick Jagger on Saturday? I didn't realize that it was Kristen Wiig's last night, and what a touching send-off they gave her. Mick Jagger singing Ruby Tuesday for her and dancing with her, and then one-by-one all the cast members dancing with her...the best!
She always killed me with her "I'm so freakin' excited" lady who loved surprises to the "Target lady" . I wondered when she was going to part with the show with her movie hits coming, man Bridesmaids was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time, we laughed all the way through... All the ladies in that movie were hilarious, saw it with my co-workers, we were in one long row in an early showing right after work. We laughed so hard, and then relived the scenes throughout our dinner, well, except the bodily functions scene, okay I'm lying, we relived those too. "God, it's like molten lava coming out of me!!" Another favourite was when Wiig was on meds/alcohol combo on the plane and was giving the steward a hard time, calling him "Stove" :) .
Well she's off for bigger and better things...and just when I fianlly got a PVR and could tape all the shows...geez!
One more thing, Jagger was amazing..God he's 68 years old! He killed it with Arcade Fire, Foo Fighters, Jeff Beck and finally everyone at the end for "Ruby Tuesday". He still had the moves and the voice...he must have made a deal with the devil, eh?
At least SNL did it right this time and sent someone amazing off with one classy ending...she so deserved it. Hope you all saw it.
Con ♥
Saw it-very classy-will miss her-it was one of the best shows!!