
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Who me, run??

Okay, I've been reading so many lists lately, one I did like was in the The Ottawa Citizen. The reason I liked it was because I started running 2 weeks ago and although it's hard, I'm keepin on' keepin on' Why? I want to kick start my body. I've never been a runner. I have went to the gym over the years and worked the machines, weights, stair master, bike, but never was drawn to running. Lately I've been feeling the extra pounds and wonder is it my energy, my age, why in god's name am I gaining weight? Okay I do partly know why.  I am Canadian and enjoy a cold one or a glass of red(see blog on red red wine :D), on occasion but I got away with these indulgences my whole life (and fully appreciated this fact and loved this about my metabolism). Is it turning 50? Is that it? Well that's annoying, but I won't take it lying down. I'm going to fight it and I'm going to run. So back to the article, I believe it was called 99 reasons to start running and here are a few of my favourites. Five to be exact...

1.The red New Balance 890s have little Canadian flags just to the left of the heel
Okay, the girl and the patriotic side of me loves this one, if you love your shoes, you'll be a better runner, right? Because you'll be happier, right?? I've got to try a pair of these on ♥ May be love at first sight,. God I linked my first reason to shopping, kind of pathetic, but they get better, deeper. Read on.

2. Another of the reasons was that running increases your sex drive, enough said on that. I'm a huge proponent of this reason. I'm 50 but I ain't dead .

3. It's also a great way to stoke creativity. I thought of the Citizen list while running, and then thought I'd pick my favourites on their list and add some of my own...creative eh! And deeper than shopping....

4. The more you run, the easier it is. In my case the more you run, walk, run, walk, you get the picture, the easier it is. They claim this and I am starting to believe. Why you ask? My first week was extremely hard, I kept thinking two things, Is it supposed to feel like my heart is coming out of my chest, and If I collapse, could I have picked a more non-traffic area, and who will freakin' find me? Okay that's three things but who's counting,
After the second week, my heart rate is better, and those fears are not as strong. Starting to run in the hottest summer I can remember maybe isn't my brightest move, so I get out there before 9:00 am. After that, forget about it, you'll melt like the Wicked Witch and it won't be pretty.

5. And Flea from the Chili Peppers was mentioned in this list, and I say if he can run then so can I. I will never play guitar licks like Mr. Flea, but I can run.

And the look on Flea's face, nope, it's not pure delirium and near collapse, no sir, it's pure happiness at finishing the race. I'm inspired by a Flea! Who knew!


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