Wednesday, June 27, 2012
All coffee is not created equal
So you may think this is a coffee plug blog....OMG, say that one three times! Coffee, plug blog, coffee plug blog, coffee plug blog, doesn't exactly roll off the tongue eh. It's also hard not to laugh or at least smile trying to say those three words.You end up saying blah, blah, blah, try it now! See.
I get distracted easily eh, but that was one tongue twister. Speaking of tongues, I cannot roll mine and half my family can. Do you know that it is genetic, I remember reading this in a science book. I also have a friend , actually two friends who can tie a cherry stem in their mouth into a bow.Whoa! I thought the only time I would see that was an actress doing it on that old show "Twin Peaks", but I thought it was fake back then, no way anyone could actually do that. In my books, that is one impressive stunt. I don't even know how to start to try and do that one, my tongue just isn't that dexterous, it just moves the stem back and forth, no bows even by accident.. Darn.
Back to coffee, I used to buy big company coffee by the pound, but found that it was getting mighty expensive. I still go there for my Americano after work or on the weekends because it is good stuff, but there is a coffee company close to me that I am starting to like a lot for a couple of reasons.
It's Equator and it's in the little town of Almonte which I live close to.
I'm tired of paying the big company prices, so I drive over to Almonte and check out Equator cafe. I'm a bold girl myself (ahem, check blog name), so I am looking at their various flavours and see one called West Coast Blend on sale for $9. Say what!! A pound at my other coffee place is $17. per pound. I'm thinking that even if it's not great, come on, at that price I got the best deal of my life, and felt that even more when I put it into my bodum and had my first cup.
It was tres delicious!!
I went back again wanting to back my car up, open my trunk, and buy a few pounds of this West Coast blend, but alas, was told that they were just trying it out that week. I was a tad distressed because this was seriously one of the best coffees I have enjoyed in me life.
So after sulking for awhile, no that's a lie, I was a big girl and just looked around at what else they had to offer. I bought some organic espresso on sale for $9. and OMG it was quite good. West coast was still my all-time favourite, but this espresso and the Sumatran I recently bought was smooth but bold and I definitely needed more than one cup. All of these coffees were on sale for $9. and I'm starting to believe that this is a little jewel of a place where Lanark county people should be checking out.
Check it our for one of two save a little on your pocketbook and to imbibe a heavenly cup of joe.
That's my plug, check them out.
You'll thank me.
Also if Equator wants to thank me by giving me any free samples for this most awesome product plug, I wouldn't say no.
Con ♥
Sunday, June 24, 2012
When to talk to your teenage girls
"Omelets for supper, gross, don't feel like that!!!!"
"Yuch, I only eat fried eggs!!"
For some reason you make much more sense in the evening....maybe hormones are on stand-by at this time....or I just make more sense as the day goes on. Keeping this reasoning in mind, by midnight I should be waxing poetic don't you think. When the girls tell me they're going for a walk in the evening, I could say something back like:
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
Not bad eh, okay I have to own up, that was borrowed from Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson.
One more tip, talking in the car works really well, important stuff does get discussed. So, go for a long drive and chat'll be amazed at what you'll learn. Something about sitting in close proximity, no eye contact, the wind in your hair and Hot 89.9 (you won't hear one personal iota if you fight over the radio stations, or worse say something like it's my car and I'm listening to CBC). Conversation killer and you're back to square one with those faces from below, so just for the sake of communication suffer through one more Katy Perry song and you never know what bridge you will gap, literally and figuratively.
Con ♥
Friday, June 22, 2012
Pledge to my girls
I have three sisters and we gave our mom a run for her money and probably had mood swings to rival my girls, that's putting it mildly, we were probably certifiable some days. Okay men don't read the next sentence if women's periods just freak you out, but ladies consider the following. Imagine if you will four girls (teenagers) having their periods at the same time in the same house!! Just think of Sybil times four...whoa!!.. I can hear the collective gasps..I read somewhere that women living together eventually all have their periods at the same time, something about the moon and tides and okay, I'm losing you so will save that subject matter for another time...okey dokey? There is nothing to say about that except I wouldn't have been terribly surprised to see my dad with one of those sticks and personal items hanging off the end walking away from our house on those special days. Wow dad, no wonder you built your own washroom downstairs, home way from home eh....
We were four against one and my mom never had a chance against us. We once tried to get her to admit to doing ANYTHING like having a smoke, a drink, staying out late etc., all the normal activities in Quebec, well there was other stuff but we were focused on the stuff you get into trouble for.... But no, she said she didn't do anything like that, and you know what? I believed her, and why? Mainly because I remember grandma and she scared the bejeesus out of me and that's probably the reason mom told us she nearly became a nun.When we visited for example and it was getting close to dinner time, grandma would come into the living room and flippantly tell us the TV was going off, supper was ready! Then she would turn it off and walk out. Excuse me, but have you ever been in the middle of a Brady Bunch or Bewitched and someone just turns it off. "Geez, what's going to happen with Jan and her braces!!", or "Why does Samantha's cousin look exactly like her, but in a dark wig? and (same show) "Why does Darrin look so different :D?" What's up with that?? Joking aside, how could the woman just turn it off. Unbelievable!! It was one frustrating experience because back then it was a huge source of entertainment for us....grandma in no way shared our love for 70's TV.
My sister had a Camaro at 17 and I was her sidekick and we grew up in Quebec! As I said in a previous blog we all smoked (I know BAD!!) but I think it was the law. I have been a non-smoker most of my life and if my girls smoked I would kill them, but my excuse is that we all did it until we moved away and got some sense. Okay I smoked a bit in Ontario as well and some in British Columbia but that's another story, another province. You don't need to know, doesn't pertain to this blog.
Once Grace was born, those odd (only at the cottage) smokes went by the wayside. If my sisters are reading this blog, just go with me on this fact and remember I know stuff about you as well...
I had to be a healthy mom, and it's the best thing I ever did. But it's not about me, stopped being about me approximately 16 years ago when Gracie Rose was born. Maggie didn't come into my life until much later...I'm doubly blessed now ♥
So to sum up this blog, my mom never had a chance with us and our silly behaviour. We outnumbered her and were bigger than her to boot. That's not to say we didn't come around and start acting responsibly later, just not in those teenage years.
I have one daughter and one step-daughter and I have pretty good stamina and can't see them wearing me down to give permission to do anything that could harm their health. I simply won't allow it, I'm a stubborn redhead and I go to the gym and they don't.
Basically they can die their hair red, white or blue (that wasn't a go USA PLUG) and one has died her hair a fiery red, but that's okay. I'm a ginger myself but more of an sitting in an Irish pub kind of ginger. But no piercings or tattoos while your living with me and your dad. You can write on your arm with a marker the odd time(and they do??), or suck in a helium balloon the odd time (which they both have done??), but I have to agree that how else can you sing a Chipmunk's song properly??
So there you have it, I will stand strong and firm because I know firsthand about the mischief you can get into, but I think if I stay loose about the odd marker tattoo and the helium that they'll behave.
Eternally optimistic,
Con ♥
We were four against one and my mom never had a chance against us. We once tried to get her to admit to doing ANYTHING like having a smoke, a drink, staying out late etc., all the normal activities in Quebec, well there was other stuff but we were focused on the stuff you get into trouble for.... But no, she said she didn't do anything like that, and you know what? I believed her, and why? Mainly because I remember grandma and she scared the bejeesus out of me and that's probably the reason mom told us she nearly became a nun.When we visited for example and it was getting close to dinner time, grandma would come into the living room and flippantly tell us the TV was going off, supper was ready! Then she would turn it off and walk out. Excuse me, but have you ever been in the middle of a Brady Bunch or Bewitched and someone just turns it off. "Geez, what's going to happen with Jan and her braces!!", or "Why does Samantha's cousin look exactly like her, but in a dark wig? and (same show) "Why does Darrin look so different :D?" What's up with that?? Joking aside, how could the woman just turn it off. Unbelievable!! It was one frustrating experience because back then it was a huge source of entertainment for us....grandma in no way shared our love for 70's TV.
My sister had a Camaro at 17 and I was her sidekick and we grew up in Quebec! As I said in a previous blog we all smoked (I know BAD!!) but I think it was the law. I have been a non-smoker most of my life and if my girls smoked I would kill them, but my excuse is that we all did it until we moved away and got some sense. Okay I smoked a bit in Ontario as well and some in British Columbia but that's another story, another province. You don't need to know, doesn't pertain to this blog.
Once Grace was born, those odd (only at the cottage) smokes went by the wayside. If my sisters are reading this blog, just go with me on this fact and remember I know stuff about you as well...
I had to be a healthy mom, and it's the best thing I ever did. But it's not about me, stopped being about me approximately 16 years ago when Gracie Rose was born. Maggie didn't come into my life until much later...I'm doubly blessed now ♥
So to sum up this blog, my mom never had a chance with us and our silly behaviour. We outnumbered her and were bigger than her to boot. That's not to say we didn't come around and start acting responsibly later, just not in those teenage years.
I have one daughter and one step-daughter and I have pretty good stamina and can't see them wearing me down to give permission to do anything that could harm their health. I simply won't allow it, I'm a stubborn redhead and I go to the gym and they don't.
Basically they can die their hair red, white or blue (that wasn't a go USA PLUG) and one has died her hair a fiery red, but that's okay. I'm a ginger myself but more of an sitting in an Irish pub kind of ginger. But no piercings or tattoos while your living with me and your dad. You can write on your arm with a marker the odd time(and they do??), or suck in a helium balloon the odd time (which they both have done??), but I have to agree that how else can you sing a Chipmunk's song properly??
So there you have it, I will stand strong and firm because I know firsthand about the mischief you can get into, but I think if I stay loose about the odd marker tattoo and the helium that they'll behave.
Eternally optimistic,
Con ♥
Monday, June 11, 2012
My Russian friends / Мои российские друзья
When I started writing this blog I just wanted to write about what made me chuckle, and didn't think of the people other than my friends/family reading my ideas on life, love and the way I see it. I can see that there has been a few Russian friends reading my blog (THIRTY of you in all, Holy Smokes!!). I wonder now if you have a saying in Russian like Holy Smokes?? Give me your top five sayings? What do you say when you stub your toe? Or when you see something beautiful? Or when you have an amazing meal? Or when someone gives you the perfect kiss ♥ ? Or when you are sitting around with your friends after a long work week and are sharing a cold one? We're kind of boring, we say Cheers!! Or if we're really fancy, Cheers Eh! .
It makes me think, and you can tell me if I'm wrong, no really tell me, that I may have hit on a subject or two that you can relate to, and that's kind of cool. You're around the world from me but we connected through my Canadian Blend, and that makes happy.
BUT, it ain't all about me. I want to share my limited knowledge of your wondrous country, and wish to hear back from you. I have the utmost respect for you all, but you have to understand that I have learned about you from many different situations in my life, some stereotypes along the way for sure, and some were experiences by a ten year so give me a break eh!
I would LOVE to know what you think of our fine country of Canada? What do you know about us? What do you think about us?
Okay here's some of the things I have learned (true or not) about your fine country...since I was a young girl, many years ago :D Warning: Go easy on me, some of these Russian connections are pretty cheesy, don't judge me too harshly, it's just an honest view of my history. It's not everything I know now, but the Russian connections I have made along the way....
1. Dr. Zhivago. This made a huge impression on my mom, it was a little before my time (1965), but I do remember Omar Sharif (he's the one who did all the movies with Barbara Streisand right?) and Julie Christie. It was an epic love story with a war torn backdrop and I remember seeing clips and thinking that Russia had such cold landscapes that were both vast and breath-taking and yes, it reminded me of Canada in the winter. Just to let you know, we have some steamy hot summers here in the north as well, today being a good example
2. Russian/Canada series 1972. This is HUGE is my past. In school they wheeled in these TV's on big stands for us to watch in class. There was nothing else that ever interrupted our learning EVER, but this series. Do you guys remember when Henderson scored the winning goal?? Hmm, maybe not as clearly as us Canadians eh?? Canadians will never forget that moment where he united all of the country. It was amazing? I think you guys were amazing too, you nearly had would we all feel if you would have beat us, how would our sports history be so different?
3. My sister was always enamoured by your country, your language. She even went to the University of Victoria to learn how to speak Russian. We all teased her that the real reason she wanted to learn Russian was to be a translator for Russian hockey players. I still believe this would have been her dream job, yup, no doubt. She loves hockey and Russian (lots of those guys in the NHL). Put those two together, dream job!!
4 I have never been there (yet) but St. Petersburg is the such a beautiful city and the culture and history makes it a dream destination for many people. I remember when Paul McCartney went to St. Petersburg, I think it was was in 2004, and it made quite the impression around the world, and it looked to me that many of you were serious Beatle fans. Am I right?
5. I HAVE TO INCLUDE THIS ONE! I do believe one of my sisters (and she will go un-named) had the following guy on her bedroom wall. Okay this is my cheesy connection, but there was a Russian character in the Rocky series that captured all the imagination (okay mainly the women's imagination) at one time way back in 1985, and his name was Ivan Drago and was played by Dolph Ludgren (OMG)
Now, I know what you are pathetic it is that she has a Rocky character in her knowledge of Russia, but it made a huge impression (he had to of been at least 6 foot 5 inches :D ) I'm just saying he was an impressive looking man, and he had a deep voice (and we all know how I feel about deep voices). Did I mention I'm a huge movie buff and although action is not my forte, I have a sentimental soft spot for the Rocky movies....and the Ivan Drago was very popular with us Canadians. I bet there was a few groups of women taking some flights over to your fine country looking for their own Mr. Drago. Too bad he was Swedish (yikes) in real life eh, they were flying to the wrong country to find their dream man. :D We all thought he was Russian, had the accent, had the wife with the fur hat (cue Dr. Zhivago), and he was so TALL. And all those vast barren cold landscapes, so familiar to me, felt like I was stepping outside in the winter bringing my Lucy (beagle) for a walk. But no, he was Dolph Ludgren, what ever happened to that guy, didn't he date Grace Jones, but I digress??
So there you have it, not much but it is a starting point for conversation between me and my Russian friends...I would love to hear about your impressions of our fair country and be honest eh.
Con ♥
It makes me think, and you can tell me if I'm wrong, no really tell me, that I may have hit on a subject or two that you can relate to, and that's kind of cool. You're around the world from me but we connected through my Canadian Blend, and that makes happy.
BUT, it ain't all about me. I want to share my limited knowledge of your wondrous country, and wish to hear back from you. I have the utmost respect for you all, but you have to understand that I have learned about you from many different situations in my life, some stereotypes along the way for sure, and some were experiences by a ten year so give me a break eh!
I would LOVE to know what you think of our fine country of Canada? What do you know about us? What do you think about us?
Okay here's some of the things I have learned (true or not) about your fine country...since I was a young girl, many years ago :D Warning: Go easy on me, some of these Russian connections are pretty cheesy, don't judge me too harshly, it's just an honest view of my history. It's not everything I know now, but the Russian connections I have made along the way....
1. Dr. Zhivago. This made a huge impression on my mom, it was a little before my time (1965), but I do remember Omar Sharif (he's the one who did all the movies with Barbara Streisand right?) and Julie Christie. It was an epic love story with a war torn backdrop and I remember seeing clips and thinking that Russia had such cold landscapes that were both vast and breath-taking and yes, it reminded me of Canada in the winter. Just to let you know, we have some steamy hot summers here in the north as well, today being a good example
2. Russian/Canada series 1972. This is HUGE is my past. In school they wheeled in these TV's on big stands for us to watch in class. There was nothing else that ever interrupted our learning EVER, but this series. Do you guys remember when Henderson scored the winning goal?? Hmm, maybe not as clearly as us Canadians eh?? Canadians will never forget that moment where he united all of the country. It was amazing? I think you guys were amazing too, you nearly had would we all feel if you would have beat us, how would our sports history be so different?
3. My sister was always enamoured by your country, your language. She even went to the University of Victoria to learn how to speak Russian. We all teased her that the real reason she wanted to learn Russian was to be a translator for Russian hockey players. I still believe this would have been her dream job, yup, no doubt. She loves hockey and Russian (lots of those guys in the NHL). Put those two together, dream job!!
4 I have never been there (yet) but St. Petersburg is the such a beautiful city and the culture and history makes it a dream destination for many people. I remember when Paul McCartney went to St. Petersburg, I think it was was in 2004, and it made quite the impression around the world, and it looked to me that many of you were serious Beatle fans. Am I right?
5. I HAVE TO INCLUDE THIS ONE! I do believe one of my sisters (and she will go un-named) had the following guy on her bedroom wall. Okay this is my cheesy connection, but there was a Russian character in the Rocky series that captured all the imagination (okay mainly the women's imagination) at one time way back in 1985, and his name was Ivan Drago and was played by Dolph Ludgren (OMG)
Now, I know what you are pathetic it is that she has a Rocky character in her knowledge of Russia, but it made a huge impression (he had to of been at least 6 foot 5 inches :D ) I'm just saying he was an impressive looking man, and he had a deep voice (and we all know how I feel about deep voices). Did I mention I'm a huge movie buff and although action is not my forte, I have a sentimental soft spot for the Rocky movies....and the Ivan Drago was very popular with us Canadians. I bet there was a few groups of women taking some flights over to your fine country looking for their own Mr. Drago. Too bad he was Swedish (yikes) in real life eh, they were flying to the wrong country to find their dream man. :D We all thought he was Russian, had the accent, had the wife with the fur hat (cue Dr. Zhivago), and he was so TALL. And all those vast barren cold landscapes, so familiar to me, felt like I was stepping outside in the winter bringing my Lucy (beagle) for a walk. But no, he was Dolph Ludgren, what ever happened to that guy, didn't he date Grace Jones, but I digress??
So there you have it, not much but it is a starting point for conversation between me and my Russian friends...I would love to hear about your impressions of our fair country and be honest eh.
Con ♥
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Fans With Benefits/Dave Matthews/Toronto/June/2012
Okay here goes..BEST weekend so far 2012, second only to my week visiting my sista in Victoria in the freezing month of January. Have to admit that my birthday in Victoria was pretty sweet, but I digress. ♥
I was a lucky recipient of a concert ticket from my friend Nancy that she had won through Amex and Facebook contest "Fans with Benefits".
OMG, what an awesome contest!! Don't judge me for saying OMG and awesome in the same sentence. It was the most exciting thing to happen to me so far this year okay!! I'm sure there is more in store for me, and when it happens will let you know....
Here is what happened:
1. We arrived at the this particular case it was at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre in Toronto June 2nd, 2012 at around 6:00 pm.
2. We got out of our cab and no word of a lie, the rain stopped and the sun came out (Dave apparently has power).
3. We walked over to the Amex entry, they noticed our 'Fans With Benefits" winner badge and checked Nancy's name and the magic began :D Did I mention we were winners?
4. We were whisked through the grounds to the Amex lounge. Our picture was taken (say what sista!!), and we went to the bar for our free we ordered Canadian beer :D (because that was free and we were happy)
5. Then we decided on eating so had a fabulous buffet (if there is salmon, I am a happy girl), and lots of goodies and desserts. There was even a candy girls would have been so jealous...and more drinks.
6. Oh yes they also interviewed us and that was hilarious...they spotted us posing for pictures with our 'winners' badge saying "Oh yah who's a winner??"and came over and asked to interview us about our experience. We talked to them, posed again, told them my favourite Dave Matthews songs, was given another drink and sent on our ways...
7. The magic continues throughout the concert..Mr. Matthews continues to be the most amazing performer and pretty darn sexy to boot. (sure loves his plaid eh)
8. The only sour note was the drunken stoned woman behind us who spilled her beer on Nancy's head....who the f%^k dances with a full beer?? We avoided getting hit for most of the concert with one eye on the stage and one eye on her, but she finally got us! We both said in unison, "You can freakin dance, just put your beer down!! We've been dodging you for over an hour with the dancing and holding your beer in the air!!", and she actually said, "Why would you not say anything for an hour??" Is there an answer to this question??
OMG, are you fu*&ing kidding me!! I'm a lover not a fighter but this drunken woman wore me down...
Back to our wonderful experience ♥ Dave played "You & Me" so I was a happy camper, great tune.
Dave Matthews is Mr. Peace and Love..don't want to get into a brawl so we left our seats and watched the encore with the aisles.
9. BUT, this didn't dampen our spirits..we went to the after party and watched "Blind Pilot", it was apparently the lead singer's birthday, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"
10. We found an after hours cab driver to drive us back to our hotel and called it a night..
And what a night it should follow :D
Thank you Amex....count me in next time, and what a fabulous idea for your fans....
I'm a huge fan of one of your fans, but seriously thinking of becoming one of your #1 fans. You really know how to treat a lady....
♥ Con
I was a lucky recipient of a concert ticket from my friend Nancy that she had won through Amex and Facebook contest "Fans with Benefits".
OMG, what an awesome contest!! Don't judge me for saying OMG and awesome in the same sentence. It was the most exciting thing to happen to me so far this year okay!! I'm sure there is more in store for me, and when it happens will let you know....
Here is what happened:
1. We arrived at the this particular case it was at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre in Toronto June 2nd, 2012 at around 6:00 pm.
2. We got out of our cab and no word of a lie, the rain stopped and the sun came out (Dave apparently has power).
3. We walked over to the Amex entry, they noticed our 'Fans With Benefits" winner badge and checked Nancy's name and the magic began :D Did I mention we were winners?
4. We were whisked through the grounds to the Amex lounge. Our picture was taken (say what sista!!), and we went to the bar for our free we ordered Canadian beer :D (because that was free and we were happy)
5. Then we decided on eating so had a fabulous buffet (if there is salmon, I am a happy girl), and lots of goodies and desserts. There was even a candy girls would have been so jealous...and more drinks.
6. Oh yes they also interviewed us and that was hilarious...they spotted us posing for pictures with our 'winners' badge saying "Oh yah who's a winner??"and came over and asked to interview us about our experience. We talked to them, posed again, told them my favourite Dave Matthews songs, was given another drink and sent on our ways...
7. The magic continues throughout the concert..Mr. Matthews continues to be the most amazing performer and pretty darn sexy to boot. (sure loves his plaid eh)
8. The only sour note was the drunken stoned woman behind us who spilled her beer on Nancy's head....who the f%^k dances with a full beer?? We avoided getting hit for most of the concert with one eye on the stage and one eye on her, but she finally got us! We both said in unison, "You can freakin dance, just put your beer down!! We've been dodging you for over an hour with the dancing and holding your beer in the air!!", and she actually said, "Why would you not say anything for an hour??" Is there an answer to this question??
OMG, are you fu*&ing kidding me!! I'm a lover not a fighter but this drunken woman wore me down...
Back to our wonderful experience ♥ Dave played "You & Me" so I was a happy camper, great tune.
Dave Matthews is Mr. Peace and Love..don't want to get into a brawl so we left our seats and watched the encore with the aisles.
9. BUT, this didn't dampen our spirits..we went to the after party and watched "Blind Pilot", it was apparently the lead singer's birthday, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"
10. We found an after hours cab driver to drive us back to our hotel and called it a night..
And what a night it should follow :D
Thank you Amex....count me in next time, and what a fabulous idea for your fans....
I'm a huge fan of one of your fans, but seriously thinking of becoming one of your #1 fans. You really know how to treat a lady....
♥ Con
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